The Committee On Poverty Association

Combatting Poverty Through Education

Poverty deprives individuals of their dignity and denies them the opportunity to be participating citizens with a sense of self-respect and a feeling of well-being.
Poverty is a complex matter and its eradication is complex but Education is a KEY in the process of combating this social ill.


In 1995 on the initiative of the then President of the Republic, a team of sociologists were requested to study the problem of exclusion in Mauritius.

After the publication of their report in 1997, the President  set up the Committee on Poverty Association  under his chairmanship consisting of members of the private sector and voluntary organisations with a view to promote the efforts of voluntary work and coordinate their activities.

Following the appeal made by the President of the Republic, donations of several million rupees were received by the Committee on Poverty Association principally from private enterprises.

In a spirit of transparency and accountability, the Association decided to create a Trust, registered under the Trust Acts of 1989 with the name of “Presidential Education Trust”. With a Certificate, bearing No.11 of 2000 under the signature of the Minister of Finance issued on 3rd April 2000.

Both the Association and the Trust was operated under the patronage of the President of the Republic at that time.

In addition, the approval of the Ministry of Finance obtained for all donations to the trust to be tax deductible.

The objectives of the Trust spelt out under Article of the Trust Deed are as follows:

  • To promote projects with a view to fight against and reduce poverty and to upgrade the quality of life.
  • To engage in fund raising activities for the financing of these projects.

Committee On Poverty Association

The Committee on Poverty Association is a Charitable Institution set up in the year 1999 on the initiative of the then President of the Republic Mr Cassam Uteem , G.C.S.K to help in the fight against exclusion and poverty alleviation.

The aim of the Committee of Poverty Association addresses the inequality in the system that affects mostly children from under privileged regions. It deemed essential that children must benefit from the positive effects of a sound educational system.

Investing in education in the early years of children’s lives is crucial in their development, helping them realize their fullest potential.

The objectives of the association:

  • The advancement of education among the needy
  • The provision of education facilities to the needy
  • Promote projects in view to fight and reduce poverty and to upgrade the quality of life.
  • To do whatever is reasonable and incidental for the attainment of the above objects.



The Association caters for vulnerable, underprivileged and needy children and their parents in certain regions of the Island with the support extended to a group of children in Rodrigues Island.

The Committee provides support in terms of, Pedagogical tools & School materials, Academic support classes, Craft & painting together with Music class, Follow up with different schools for performances and behavior at school, and liaise with the schools depending on the needs of the children and their family.

The pedagogical support initiated to the beneficiaries are the following:

ü  Accompagnement scolaire

ü  Private tuitions

ü  Literacy Programs

ü  Recreational Educational Outings

ü  Empowerment Programs for Parents

ü  Sensitization Programs ( Life skills – Social dilemma & Responsibility)

The pedagogical assistance help in:

  • Providing access to education stimulating their interest in the process of education.
  • Understanding the school materials needs of the children and initiate specific actions
  • Preventing early school drop outs by monitoring the results
  • Ensuring that children acquire training and life skills
  • Keeping children away from anti-social ways of behaving.
  • Molding and Shaping of behaviors and forming responsible citizens
  • Achieving success through education, results in their school life pathway.


COPA has had many succesful projects, notably in Vallée Pitot, Camp Firinga, Grand Sable/Petit Sable and Rodrigues.

Many other youth projects have been implemented over the years whereby training have been offered to youngsters in regions such as Camp Firinga, Surinam, Mahebourg.

The Committee , in Camp la Paille Bambous, St Martin, V.Pitot, Surinam, Chemin Grenier, Bel Ombre and Rivière des Galets respectively have funded Pre Primary projects.

 The Association currently has 2 different Projects: Vuillemin and Rodrigues.

Theh have the project of educational support for about 63 children from 3 years old up to 19 years old from Primary up to Secondary stage of education.

The Trust support the Association, support are carried out by a team of field workers nominated by the Committee of poverty Association and they work in collaboration with the Association.


Meet the Managing Committee of the Association.

Our Managing Committee plays a crucial role in steering the association’s vision and ensuring its objectives are met. With their leadership and commitment, the association continues to thrive and serve its members and beneficiaries effectively.