The Presidential Education Trust


In 1995 on the initiative of the then President of the Republic, a team of sociologists were requested to study the problems of exclusion in Mauritius.

After the publication of their report in 1997, the President had set up the Committee on Poverty Association under his Chairmanship consisting of members of the private sector and voluntary organisations with a view to promote the efforts of voluntary work and coordinate their activities.

Following the appeal made by the President of the Republic, donations amounting to several million rupees were received by the Committee on Poverty Association.

In order to manage the funds, the Committee decided to create a Trust which was registered under the Trust Acts of 1989 with the name of “Presidential Education Trust”. Certificate bearing No.11 of 2000 under the signature of the Minister of Finance was issued on 3rd April 2000.

In addition the approval of the Ministry of Finance has been obtained for all donations to the trust to be tax deductible.

The objectives of the trust spelt out under Article of the Trust Deed are as follows:

To promote projects with a view to fight against and reduce poverty and to upgrade the quality of life.

To engage in fund raising activities for the financing of these projects.


Presidential Education Trust

The trust finances in 4 different regions, a project of educational support for about 100 children from 3 years old up to 15 to 18 years old, that is up to secondary stage of education.

This support is carried out by a team of social workers nominated by the Committee on Poverty Association and they work in Collaboration with the Committee.

The aim of COPA was to address the inherent inequality in the system which affected mostly children from under privileged regions. It was deemed essential that all children must benefit from the positive effects of a sound educational system.

Investing in education in the early years of children’s lives is crucial in their development, helping them realise their fullest potential.

The objectives of COPA under the rules and regulations are as follows:

The advancement of education among the needy

The provision of educational facilities to the needy

To do whatever is reasonable and incidental there to for the attainment of the above objects



Committee on poverty association

Combatting Poverty through Education

The Committee on Poverty Association is a Charitable Institution set up in the year 1999 on the initiative of the then President of the Republic Mr. Cassam Uteem, G.C.S.K to help in the fight against exclusion and poverty alleviation.

Meet The Board Of Trustees of the Presidential Educatial Fund

Our distinguished Board of Trustees brings a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to advancing educational opportunities for students throughout the island. Together, they guide the strategic direction of the fund to ensure every beneficiary has access to quality education.